Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses

Contact Lenses


  • 40 years of experience and technology have enabled us successfully fit the most difficult cases

  • All types of contacts, many priced at or below Internet prices

  • Over 10,000 in stock enables same-day service on most prescriptions

  • Monthly / Daily disposables

  • Toric lenses...for astigmatism

  • Bifocals / monovision

  • Rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP)

  • Scleral Lenses...newest technology for dry eyes

  • Hybrid Lenses...RGP center for clear vision and soft periphery for comfort

  • Keratoconus and corneal transplant fittings


Due to their initial comfort, soft disposable contacts have become our first lens choice for many patients, and are available for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and bifocals. Replacing the lenses on a frequent basis has reduced many of the complications from the past. Overwearing, stretching out the interval between changing, and poor hygiene, can still cause a serious infection.


These newer generation of lenses have replaced the old-fashioned "hard lenses" with plastic that allows oxygen to pass through, thus the term "gas permeable". This permeability has alleviated most of the complications associated with hard lenses. Because of their rigidity, these lenses supply superb vision for those with even a large amount of astigmatism. These lenses can last up to 4 years, so the long-term cost is less. RGPs are prescribed for that patients who can not obtain clear vision with glasses or soft lenses due to keratoconus, trauma, or corneal transplants. Our examination will enable us to determine your success with these lenses.

Scleral Contact Lenses

Due to the recent advancement in manufacturing capabilities, scleral lenses are the latest in contact lens technology. They are larger and made from a highly oxygen-permeable material. In the past, because of their large size, these lenses could not be made without imperfections. Because of their large size, these lenses have the same comfort as soft disposables. Sclerals, like RGP's, are prescribed for those who can't obtain good vision with glasses or soft contacts because of diseased or warped corneas. Scleral lenses have proven to be excellent for those with very dry eyes


This new technology provides the best of both worlds....RGP in the center for excellent vision molded to a larger soft lens skirt in the periphery for soft lens comfort. They are cared for similarly to that soft lenses and are roughly the same size. Their development has kept many patients in contact lenses and has prevented many with diseased corneas from going the route of a corneal transplant.


To safely fit a contact lens, curvature, diameter, oxygen permeability, material and power need to be considered when prescribing a lens. Corneal topography takes a survey of over 1000 points on the eye to enable us to design the most precise fit. Cornea, eyelid health, and tear quality also need to be evaluated to ensure safe contact lens wear.

Corneal Topography gives the most accurate eye shape for the best contact lens fit, minimizes complications, increases first time fitting success, and detects any unwanted distortions or warpage which would indicate a lens change.

Corneal topography enables fitting the most complicated cases

All contact lenses options will be discussed.


There are many different brands or designs of disposable soft contact lenses. Each manufacturer claims to be better than the next and does its best to ensure that the doctor uses their lens. Often, a lens must be worn for several weeks to determine if it is a proper, safe fit. We have NO allegiance to ANY manufacturer, and our choice of lens is not influenced by any financial incentives offered by the manufacturers. Through our testing, we fit what is best for your eyes.


After the initial design, it is important that an experienced technician take you thorough instructions on lens insertion and removal, lens care, and handling. This is something patients are frequently concerned about but is easily mastered with expert instruction and a little practice. This is very important as poor training can result in eye injury and infection and even vision loss. We will tell you what cleaning solutions to use. Not all solutions are the same, as patients can be allergic to one and not the other. If you need additional help, we will schedule more instruction sessions at no additional charge until you feel comfortable and competent.


Like any medical device, contact lenses must be monitored on a regular basis. The eyes can often change shape, so topography is taken on an annual basis to ensure that the cornea remain healthy, free from distortion and warpage that can occur if the lens fit has changed. The frequency of follow-up visits will vary due to the complexity of the case.

​​​​​Deposits from overwear can cause infections

​​​​​​​If you have any other questions please call us at (630) 984-6850 today!

admin none 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Closed optometrist,3,,,